
The nature of balance is in the wobble…

I first experienced yoga at the age of 16. Over the next few years, I experimented here and there with different elements of yoga that I was able to access through fitness videos. But it wasn’t until much later that yoga became a permanent fixture in my life. In 2018, I had the privilege of participating in a yoga retreat with teacher Shari Hochberg, which allowed me to experience yoga in a way that not only helped bring balance to my body, but also my mind and spirit.

In 2020, I completed my 200-hour YTT certification at the Studio in Madison, WI through Alex Pfeiffer’s 21st Century Yoga on the Mat program (now accessible through
Main Street Yoga Center). This training helped to improve my personal yoga practice, and also inspired me to share what I had learned with others. While I teach a variety of classes from slow-flow Vinyasa styles, to high-intensity Power Flows, to restorative mindfulness-based sessions, my goal is always for my students to listen to their bodies and do what is right for them in the moment, while respecting those around them.

I acknowledge that the roots of yoga come from the spiritual and living practice founded in India. I also acknowledge that as a white woman from the United States, I have been part of the cultural misappropriation and commodification of yoga. As such, I strive to support efforts to decolonize yoga and ensure my yoga offerings are accessible for individuals with all body types, identities, and socio-economic backgrounds.

If you’re interested in doing yoga with me, get in touch anytime to set up a private one-on-one or group class, or find out where I might be teaching regular in-person or online classes at the time!